Trace Minerals – Utah Sea Minerals
Utah Sea Minerals is an all-natural balanced salt seasoning and nutritional supplement that comes from the trace mineral-rich waters of Utah’s inland sea. For persons on sodium restricted diets, we recommend Low Sodium ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops.
Christterra (verified owner) –
I’m very happy with this product, as it’s saltiness allows me to use it as a quick substitute for salt in soups, etc while adding a large number of trace minerals. So I view it as both a mineral source and a help in salting my food!
skyblue02 (verified owner) –
I prefer the ConcenTrace trace mineral drops that don’t have much sodium in them, because I can add them directly to water without really affecting the taste. These I’ve only been able to use in a homemade energy drink, so far (I think the agave syrup I add helps to cut the salty taste a bit). I also feel like the ratio of sodium to other minerals is a bit off, relative to my needs. I get enough sodium from my diet, it’s really those other minerals that my body hungers for. So I feel like I’ve had a bit too much sodium after having this. I’d use the rest for energy drinks or adding some saltiness to homemade soup. But, in the future, I’d stick with the ConcenTrace trace minerals. I prefer the flexibility and I don’t feel so overwhelmed by sodium that way. I’d recommend comparing the two before making a decision on which to buy (or get a small amount of each), so you end up with one that suits your personal needs the best.
earthgoddess (verified owner) –
I bought these minerals to add to the water I drink during the day. After a week I realized they had a extra benefit for me, a laxative effect. They work better than most of the laxatives I have tried.
Candy46 (verified owner) –
Its good and it clean your system completely out.
Arizonagirl (verified owner) –
Living in SE Arizona, we need to hydrate. I especially need this when I ride my horse in June thru Sept. I use an old Gatorade bottle, fill it 2/3s full, freeze. When I ride, I fill it w water. Stays cold, hydrates much better than Gatorade minus the sugar & chemicals.
Oct10deb (verified owner) –
This product is extremely good. Only one or two drops in your glass of water and you get your minerals for the day. Be careful I thought I could put more and get more, but I found more than two drops makes the water taste like iron. This is a great product and reasonably priced.
kau1 (verified owner) –
this product is EXTREEMLY salty. I could not even drink it diluted according to the directions!
jimnycrikkitz (verified owner) –
I use this for mineral water and in my homemade cashew milk instead of salt. Gives me the trace minerals I need and tastes great, and the price cannot be beat.