Grassberg – Multivits & Minerals
Multivit & Minerals – includes a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals for total health support. The supplement contains optimal dosages of macro and microelements, it is Grassberg’s proprietary solution.
Regular use of this supplement will help to:
Strengthen the immune system.
Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Maintain the beauty and youth of the body.
Stabilize the central nervous system and improve cognitive function.
Support hair, nails and skin health.
Vitamin B complex – is responsible for the beauty and youthfulness of the body. It strengthens the immune system, improves overall health, and supports the central nervous system.
Calcium – is one of the key minerals in the body. It supports the musculoskeletal and the central nervous systems and is essential for many body processes.
Magnesium – is involved in bone formation. It also regulates the nervous system, carbohydrate metabolism and energy metabolism of cells.
Zinc – is an essential microelement and it plays an important role in glucose metabolism. It is also a component of many enzymes.
Vitamin E – has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin D – enhances absorption of calcium, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, has numerous effects on cells within the immune system.
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